Zooft is a mobile and web app, created and designed by Wolf Digital Media for the Horeca field and not only, which comes with the most ingenious customer management solution, significantly facilitating the work of employees in hotels, restaurants, cafes, and others. The app is an efficient and effective help, which is only a click away.
The development of such a platform started from the desire to simplify the registration process of customers in the Horeca area (and not only), which is often done manually or using software programs that have to go through several stages of registration and which require a lot of time. As a result, the emergence of the Zooft platform is meant to help national businesses to store customer data and access it later, easily and quickly. Zooft was created especially for those who are looking for ingenious solutions and who want to adapt to everything that is new.
The application comes in support of economic agents that need a customer management system in accordance with and complying with Order 966 / 1.809 / 105/2020 (of the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Economy and ANSVSA), published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 461 of May 30, 2020.
Zooft functionalities are made to the highest standards and are easy to use, and the application is a pleasant experience, both visually and in terms of configurations.
Zooft can be downloaded from the App Store and Google Play, and to use it, you only need to create a user account dedicated to your business, after which it can be customized (adding logo, name and others), and then you can start the registration of customers.
More about the application can be found here: http://zooft.ro/.